Biden Backs Iran Deal

US President Joe Biden is already in business with Iran, backing a new nuclear deal or something like it, say news networks.

Biden delegated his Secretary of State Antony Blinken to have a conference call with the three European partners in the deal with Iran. 

The US is also willing to hold more negotiations with Iran and Russia, China to solve what they are calling ‘the Iran problem’.

“The United States is ready to begin negotiating with Iran in an attempt to reestablish the 2015 nuclear deal or something like it”, Blinken says.

The video conference with France, Germany and the UK meant all the partners are ready to restore the deal botched by former President Donald Trump.

Trump had torn the deal apart saying it was a very bad deal that gave Iran a lot of powers and that his government feared the Persian nation was secretly building a nuclear bomb.

The three European countries or E3 stressed that Iran must return to full compliance with commitments under the nuclear deal. 

Blinken urged Iran to resume strict compliance with its obligations set in the 2015 deal sealed by the Barack Obama administration.

The U.S. will also comply with its commitments, though the U.S. commitments were unspecified, say sources.

The allies also asked Iran to halt the implementation of the “additional protocol” of the nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty starting February 23.

The additional protocol would reduce Iran’s cooperation with the UN and the Europeans and Americans do not want that to happen.

They would want the International Atomic Energy Agency to have full rights to monitor Iran’s nuclear programme.

The question is whether Iran has plans to suspend the permission of inspectors to conduct unannounced visits to Iran’s nuclear sites?

Recently news report stated Iran was not complying with the deal anymore.

Two days ago, IAEA found uranium traces at two sites Iran barred it from, Reuters report, adding that the U.N. nuclear watchdog found the uranium particles at sites it inspected after months of stonewalling.

Iran had refused to allow the experts to enter the country. 

The Europeans and the US are showing concerns that Iran’s production of 20 percent enriched uranium and uranium metal has increased since the deal was off.

They say this is in violations of the 2015 deal.

Iran defended its position saying the Biden regime should put an end to Trump’s legacy of economic terrorism against Iran.”

It did not give any explanations on the traces of uranium found in the two sites and the increase of its production of uranium in violation of the 2015 deal.