Big anti-France demonstration in Jakarta

Jakarta saw a huge demonstration against the French Embassy that drew thousands at Jalan MH Thamrin.

The demonstrators rallied in front of the French Embassy in reaction to French President’s statement on Islam.

They also rallied against the abuse of the Islamic icon, the Prophet of Islam with compromising cartoons.

The demonstration is organised by the Imam of the Islamic Defenders Front (FPI), Habib Rizieq Shihab.

He called on Muslims to join the rally to defend the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) against the ‘blasphemy’ from the French.

Called the 211 action, the rally organisers are now focusing on another rally tomorrow. They call it the 411 action and will be held after the midday prayer.


There will be a parade or long march from Gedung Sate on Jalan Diponegoro to Gedung Merdeka on Jalan Asia Afrika, Bandung.

“I call on all to take part in the 211 action in the capital Jakarta and the 411 action in Bandung City to defend the Prophet Muhammad SAW who was insulted, abused by the President of France (Emmanuel Macron),” was a message by the FPI leader.”

He says the Prophet had been insulted, harassed by some French people and by the French media.

“Never be quiet, never give the slightest space to anyone who wants to belittle our prophet sayidina Muhammad SAW,”

Habib Rozieq Shihab OF FPI

The Defend Prophet Muhammad Action or 211 Action in Jakarta, was held around the French Embassy.

The activity began after the noon prayer in congregation in the middle of Jalan MH Thamrin, Monday, 2-11-2020.

The call to prayer was uttered by FPI’s command car at around 11.45. People were provided with water near prayer area for the people to take ablution.


The rally participants pray in congregation in the middle of the street which is right in front of Sarinah Mall.

After the congregational prayer, which was followed by singing the song Indonesia Raya, the leaders of the FPI delivered their salvos against France and Macron.

They invite Muslims to boycott products from France, and also asking the Jokowi Government to expel the French ambassador to Indonesia.