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Hamas Defeating the Israeli Iron Dome

Additionally, Hamas may have used some advanced techniques to evade the Iron Dome, such as changing the trajectory or speed of the rockets, or using decoys or electronic jamming to beat the iron dome

Not the rockets used by Hamas - Photo by Kurt Cotoaga / Unsplash

There are a lot of questions about why Israel’s anti-missile system, known as the Iron Dome, failed to detect the mostly homemade rockets fired by Hamas. There are several possible reasons for that:

Israel’s anti-missile system, known as the Iron Dome, is designed to intercept short-range threats from Gaza and southern Lebanon. It has a success rate of up to 90% against the thousands of rockets fired in the 2021 conflict. It is like giving the servers 100 gigabytes and they could not handle anything beyond that. Computer buffs will understand that.

Limits of the Iron Dome

However, the Iron Dome has its limits, and Hamas attempted to saturate the system by firing more rockets than it could handle. According to some reports, Hamas fired as many as 5,000 rockets in 20 minutes in its surprise attack on October 7, 2023. As a result, many rockets may have gotten through.

Small Drones

Hamas also used small drones to target and blind the surveillance cameras and sensors that monitor the border fence between Gaza and Israel. This reduced Israel’s ability to detect and track the incoming rockets and missiles.

Additionally, Hamas may have used some advanced techniques to evade the Iron Dome, such as changing the trajectory or speed of the rockets, or using decoys or electronic jamming.

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