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Money Laundering: The Swiss Connection

Hussein Abdool Rahim implicated the Mauritius AG in the Bet365 Money Laundering Scandal

There are now indications that multiple Swiss bank visits aided in Bet365 money laundering case.

The Bet365 affair is making the headlines, not only in Mauritius but also among Swiss prosecutors from the Swiss Attorney General office (OAG).

The OAG in an email correspondence to WorldFutureTv said they will revert on the matter following the publication of a series of articles in the local media in Mauritius, and by our news portal here.

However, the latest news is that the account details published by WorldFutureTv might involve a particular Swiss Bank.

In this case, the money laundering affair involving the former Attorney General of Mauritius Ravi Yerrigadoo would have international implications.

It is alleged that the money laundering case involves at least Rupees 9.36 billion according to our latest count depending on documents seen by WorldFutureTv online. But we are not publishing the full documents pending the confirmation of the origin of the payments to the names disclosed in the documents.

The names include that of a high profile public official attached to a human rights organisation in Port Louis.

It is reported in the local media in Port Louis that Hussein Abdool Rahim will pay a visit to the ICAC – Mauritius anti-corruption agency – today to give additional information on his visits to Switzerland.

The plan in the Bet365 money laundering was to woo the Swiss bankers in March this year into accepting the deposits made by the culprits, and it appears they were successful.

Hussein said he went to Switzerland accompanied by Sylvio Sununum and lawyer Dick Ng Tat to open a bank account at a particular Swiss bank.

The informant, it is said, will furnish additional information with regards to the documents attributed to Ravi Yerrigadoo, said The Sunday Times.

The paper said Hussein will be accompanied by his lawyers, Ashley Hurrhangee et Yash Bhadain.

But if the Swiss authorities finds any breach of the Swiss financial services act, both the OAG and the local Swiss financial regulatory agency FINMA would then open a case on the matter.

The OAG will then ask the Mauritian AG for mutual cooperation in exchanging of documents and information in the case.