Netizens slams ex-Indian general calls for rape, killings in Kashmir

Social media users last week slammed an ex-Indian army general who called for rape and killing of women in Kashmir.

In a video that went viral, he called upon the security forces in the occupied territory to commit those crimes.

Maj Gen (R) SP Sinha is a member of the ruling Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP). In the video, he is seen vociferously advocating the crimes.

Some portals and comments on social media say the army man’s call is a war crime.

“Maut ke badle maut [death for death], balatkar ke badle balatkar [rape for rape],” he screamed during a talk show on TV 9 Bharatvarsh. 

“Death for death, rape for rape,” he shouted during the heated debate.

Angered netizens condemned the ex-generals call, saying they were worried about their country future.

Indian-occupied Kashmir has been under a military curfew since August 5, 2019.

Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi revoked the region’s autonomy status and arrested thousands of people.

He said it is a plan to bring progress and development in the disputed territory.

The ex-general is also accused of using rape as a strategy in 1991 when the Indian military destroyed the Sikh movement in Punjab.

The anchor of the show and fellow panellists was heard asking the former solider to publicly apologize for the remarks.

A BJP’s women wing leader was removed from her position after she encouraged “Hindu brothers” to gang-rape Muslim women openly in the streets.

According to a 1996 Human Rights Watch report, India used rape as a “counter-insurgency tactic” in Indian-occupied Kashmir.

They terrorized the population.

Indian veterans too joined the fray criticising the ex-general, says Russia Today.

Retired Lieutenant General Vinod Bhatia, who served as director-general of military operations, branded Sinha as the person who made an irritating statement for momentary fame.