About Us

About Us

We are based in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. The only anti-war website in this region, we fight against all calls for wars which are disruptive to our peaceful living. What disturbs the humans, disturbs us too! We report on them.

Since 2004

WF or WorldFuture was founded in September 2004.

3 Experts

We’re super proud of our diverse and talented team.


Global reach. We cover the world. Thats About Us.

Our portal is driven by global conflicts. Every single day, we have something nasty happening. We tell you the story, you make your mind.

Our History

We are not only a website that publishes stories, we are also an non-profit making entity. We like what we do and this is our history. Besides the portal, we also do events. Four great events since 2009 and more to come!

Our Promise

We tell you the true story. No conspiracy theories, no fake news, no unverified information. But we speculate for your own good! We can promise you that!