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Agong: Parliament should reconvene as soon as possible

Kuala Lumpur: The Yang di-Pertuan Agong was of the opinion that Parliament should reconvene as soon as possible to allow MPs to debate the emergency laws and the National Recovery Plan.

In a statement after the special discussion of the Malay Rulers here today, Istana Negara said that His Majesty had come to this conclusion after hearing from heads of political parties, the Special Independent Committee on Emergency 2021 and briefings by government experts.

“His Majesty also expressed the view there needs to be a strong and stable government that can function effectively to tackle the Covid-19 pandemic and revive the economy, said the Istana Negara statement.

His Majesty also called on the government to act decisively to simplify bureaucracy and speed up the Covid-19 vaccination process in order to achieve herd immunity as early as early as possible.

His Majesty also is of the view that vaccination is the only exit strategy to curb the spread of the Covid-19 in the country, added the statement.