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Biden, Japan's Kishida pledge united front versus China

US President Biden and Japanese PM Kishida announced increased military cooperation and a new missile defense system, focusing on challenges from China and Russia

Military Elites
Photo by Thomas Park / Unsplash

US President Joe Biden and Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida emphasized increased military cooperation and a new missile defense system, aiming to strengthen their alliance amidst perceived threats from China and Russia.

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They discussed various regional issues including the Indo-Pacific, Ukraine, and Taiwan-China relations, pledging to uphold the rule of law and oppose unilateral attempts to alter the status quo.

The fear of China

The leaders announced plans for joint military operations, a new air missile defense network with Australia, and Japanese involvement in NASA moon missions.

This signals a significant upgrade in their alliance, bringing the former World War Two enemies closer together.

While their collaboration is nothing new, their renewed pledge to counter China in the Indo-Pacific has been a total failure since the days of President Barack Obama, mainly due to the USA's incapacity to feed the allies with its warships, for example.

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