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BTC at $19,418 in Dec 2020

BTC at $19,418 in Dec 2020

Panic is raging among Bitcoin investors while those holding the coins are feeling some despair because of the fall of BTC and other cryptos lately.

But this is nothing compared to 2020 when BTC was much lower than it is today.

People are complaining that BTC is now stuck at $46k. But at the same period of time, in 2020, BTC was at $19,418. Investors and holders had to wait until January 2021 to see a surge.

During the BTC surge in early 2021, it went higher than $60k. A record that made many people rich.

What does all this mean? Certainly, BTC will not jump from $46k (current price) to a new record, if we believe naysayers.

But experts are saying it will reach a hefty $100,000 soon. That was predicted for December 2021 (this month) but we are already in the last two weeks of December and BTC is struggling to keep itself above $45k.

Some experts are predicting, instead, that BTC will fall below that and may stabilise at $45,500 this month.

It will possibly enter 2022 at this lower price but if Omicron is tamed and does not dominate the news and the US$ is under control, things may brighten for BTC.

That is to say, it also depends largely on other market forces, such as oil prices on the global market. That may also influence BTC prices in January onwards.