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Cinema Verde Is In Need Of Green Ambassadors

Cinema Verde Is In Need Of Green Ambassadors

Gainesville, FL, Release: June 18, 2022. — Content creators and micro-influencers watch out: Cinema Verde is looking for support to help spread environmental awareness, foster exchange, inspiration and local environmental action. Become a Cinema Verde Green Ambassador
and join our content suggestion program.

“We live in an age of constant distraction that can leave us unable to pay attention to our environment. Cinema Verde calls us out to get back to the basics. Nature is where we find peace and clarity, and it is endangered,” the group says.

Cinema Verde hosts a database of award-winning films from independent environmental filmmakers on a new streaming platform. The indie films are based on the authentic storytelling, artistic expression or unique exploration of solutions to environmental challenges we’re facing.

Cinema Verde change makers

Cinema Verde is looking for change-makers across all platforms to encourage a spirit of collaboration and commitment in building a healthy future.

Hold the title as Cinema Verde Green Ambassador, get a free environmental film streaming pass and be provided with exclusive, sharable content from the indie eco filmmakers. Help Cinema Verde spread love for nature and educational content about the environment in the Green Ambassador program.

“Learning about different and diverse parts of our world, practicing appreciation for our natural world, and observing different insights from our eco-filmmakers is a way to inspire change in times when the state of our world could easily cause us to freeze,” says Cinema Verde Founding Director Trish Riley.

Cinema Verde is a non-profit educational organization. The subscription revenue of the streaming channel is paid out fully to the indie eco filmmakers.

Cinema Verde partners with We Are Neutral as its sustainability partner to provide carbon neutral streaming.