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Covid-19: Malaysia remains in critical state, usage of ICU beds exceeds 100%, says Health DG - The Star Online

PUTRAJAYA: Malaysia remains in a critical state despite the reduction in daily Covid-19 case numbers, says the Health Ministry.

In his daily Covid-19 update on Tuesday (June 8), Health director-general Tan Sri Dr Noor Hisham Abdullah has warned Malaysians not to get complacent as the pandemic situation is still serious.

“The number of active Covid-19 cases is still high at 82,797, due to the spike during the 20th and the 21st epidemiological weeks.

“The usage of beds at intensive care units (ICU) has increased from 96% on May 24 to 104% on June 6.

“The usage of more than 100% ICU beds is a worrying situation, as not all patients who require critical care can be admitted to ICUs.

“Hospitals nationwide are also seeing a rise in Covid-19 cases that are in Category 4 and 5.

“These patients require a longer time to recover as they suffer from serious complications due to the infection.

“On average, a Category 5 patient is treated for 14 to 16 days, while a Category 5 requires 19 to 26 days of treatment.

“Due to all this, the ministry reminds Malaysians that the Covid-19 situation in the country is still serious.

“It can still escalate if we become complacent even for just one day.

“We cannot take this matter lightly, especially if there are certain quarters spreading false interpretations of the situation,” said Dr Noor Hisham.

He urged members of the public to continue practising Covid-19 standard operating procedures (SOP), and to stay at home unless it is absolutely necessary to go out.

He also urged those who are Covid-19 positive and undergoing home quarantine to seek immediate help if their health deteriorates.

“Everyone can play their role as ‘agents of change’ in the community, so that lives can return to normalcy as soon as possible,” he said.