COVID Pass Inserted Under the Skin Available From Swedish company

A costly chip implant is available with various versions is the new ‘health wearable’ under the skin available from a Swedish company to make travel easier during the COVID-19 pandemic.
“A chip implant costs a hundred euros if you want to buy the more advanced versions, and you can compare this with for example a health wearable that will cost perhaps twice that but at the same time a chip implant you can use for twenty, thirty, forty years. Whereas a wearable you can only use for three, four years,” Hannes Sjoblad, managing director of DSruptive Subdermals, as a PDF with his vaccine certificate appeared on his phone says to AFP.
“I have a chip implant in my arm and I have programmed the chip so that I have my COVID passport on the chip and the reason is that I always want to have it accessible and when I read my chip, I just swipe my phone on the chip and then I unlock and it opens up,” he says.
For Sjoblad, the COVID pass is just one example of a possible application, which will be a “thing for the winter of 2021-2022”.