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Dawn Aerospace and Nusa Space New Deal a Milestone in The Space Race

Dawn Aerospace and Nusa Space New Deal a Milestone in The Space Race

Today marked another significant milestone for Malaysia in the race among nations to participate and benefit from the space sector.

One of the key segments in space economy is satellite launching itself. In this regard, a collaboration between an international space launch vehicle company and a local space technology promoter was established.

The scope and extent of the collaboration was contained in the Memorandum of Understanding that was signed by the two parties and witnessed by the Director General of MYSA, Azlikamil Napiah, on behalf of the Hon. Minister of Science, Technology and Innovation (MOSTI) at a ceremony today, May 25, 2022, at MYSA Headquarters.

The two collaborating partners are Dawn Aerospace (DA) and Nusa Space Alliance (NSA). DA was represented by its co-founder, Mr Jeroen Wink and NSA by YBhg. Datuk Dr Ahmed Tasir Lope Pihie.

DA was incorporated in New Zealand and the Netherlands and it designed and build same day reusable launch vehicles and non-toxic satellite propulsion system. It aspires to be the pioneers in developing commercially viable horizontal launch vehicles to serve the world.

NSA was incorporated in Malaysia to support the space agenda of the country leveraging on the aspirations and expertise of DA.

Furthermore, NSA is also committed to ensure there will be backward linkages of the launch vehicles development programs of DA to the microelectronics and advance material capabilities of Malaysia.

Recognising the synergy, the Partners agree to establish Dawn Aerospace Asia Pacific (DAAP), and to embark on a series of prototypes up to commercial purpose launch vehicles in Malaysia to serve both domestic and international needs.

Agencies in the space programme

The partnership will also raise funds in furtherance of R&D and in continuing improvements. DAAP will of course place great emphasis on sales and marketing of our products and services to targeted markets, notably East Asia.

The partnership looks upon on the Govt of Malaysia, particularly MOSTI, the relevant and lead agencies, notably MYSA, and the financial institutions, like Khazanah Nasional and BPMB, to support our aspirations.

“To implement the National Space Policy 2030, Malaysia has developed a program called Malaysia Space Exploration 2030 (Malaysia Space-X 2030) which sets out a ten-year strategy to spur the growth of Malaysia’s space sector and create a comprehensive national space ecosystem.

“The blueprint aims to develop the local space technology capabilities and strengthen the country’s space sector ecosystem to become more conducive and competitive,” says Azlikamil.

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