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Discover the Magic with Saudia's App

Utilizing cutting-edge technology such as AI and machine learning, Saudia prioritizes passenger satisfaction and personalization.

Elite Business
Utilizing cutting-edge technology such as AI and machine learning, Saudia prioritizes passenger satisfaction and personalization.

Saudia, Saudi Arabia's national carrier, introduces its new mobile app aimed at simplifying the flying experience.

Packed with features like mobile check-in, flight booking, live updates, and digital boarding passes, it also integrates with the Alfursan loyalty program.

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Utilizing cutting-edge technology such as AI and machine learning, Saudia prioritizes passenger satisfaction and personalization.

Continuous development based on user feedback ensures the app remains essential for travelers worldwide.

Available for both iOS and Android, the app enhances convenience and accessibility for planning and navigating journeys with Saudia.

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