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Egypt's Complex Role in the Israel-Gaza Conflict

The situation in Gaza presents a dual challenge for Egyptian President Sisi. The suffering of Palestinian civilians has domestic repercussions, given the deep-rooted connection between Egyptian and Palestinian nationalism

Egypt and the Arab world has adopted a cautious stance when it comes to accommodating Palestinians who are seeking refuge Photo by Ehimetalor Akhere Unuabona / Unsplash

In the context of the Israel-Gaza conflict, Egypt's role is highly complex, driven by a multitude of political and strategic considerations. This article delves into the intricacies of Egypt's involvement, its relationship with Hamas, and the implications for the Palestinian civilian population.

Egypt's Caution Regarding Palestinian Refugees

Egypt has adopted a cautious stance when it comes to accommodating Palestinians who are seeking refuge from the ongoing conflict in Gaza. This hesitance is partly due to concerns that Israel might be attempting to divert refugees into the Sinai Peninsula. This situation is further compounded by Egypt's intricate association with Hamas, as its leaders aim to exert control over the group to prevent potential instability within the Nile Valley.

Egypt's Role as a Mediator

Egypt plays a pivotal role in mediating between Israel and Hamas. Its intelligence agencies closely monitor Hamas activities in Gaza. Since 2007, when Hamas assumed control of Gaza, Egypt has been committed to keeping the group out of the Sinai Peninsula. This commitment stems from a short civil war in which Hamas emerged victorious over the security forces of the Palestinian Authority

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Domestic and Foreign Policy Challenges

The situation in Gaza presents a dual challenge for Egyptian President Sisi. The suffering of Palestinian civilians has domestic repercussions, given the deep-rooted connection between Egyptian and Palestinian nationalism. Additionally, Egypt's stance on the Israel-Gaza conflict significantly impacts the fate of refugees and the flow of aid to the 2 million residents of the territory. This becomes especially pertinent following Israel's decision to cut off vital supplies in response to a deadly assault by Hamas on October 7th.

Egypt's Complex Relationship with Israel and Gaza

Egypt's position in the Israel-Gaza conflict is of paramount importance. Since Hamas took control in 2007, Egypt has supported Israel's blockade of Gaza, meticulously regulating the movement of materials and civilians. This intricate situation places Egypt's leaders in a position where they must carefully balance their domestic political considerations with their role as a regional powerbroker and their relationship with Hamas.

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United Nations Report on Refugees

It's noteworthy that Egypt is currently home to approximately 9 million refugees and migrants, including around 300,000 Sudanese who fled their country's war and arrived this year. This further adds to the complexity of Egypt's role in the region.

In conclusion, the political dynamics between Egypt and Gaza are highly intricate, and shaped by an array of domestic and international factors. Egypt's leaders must navigate their involvement in the Israel-Gaza conflict with exceptional care, striving to balance their role as regional power players with their evolving relationship with Hamas.