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Free Al-Ghannouchi And Return Democracy To Tunisia

WADAH, an Islamic movement in Malaysia strongly condemns the unlawful detention of Rached al-Ghannouchi and calls for his immediate release

Foreign Affairs
Al-Ghannouchi's arrest reactions - Photo from Wikipedia

WADAH, an Islamic movement in Malaysia strongly condemns the unlawful detention of Rached al-Ghannouchi and calls for his immediate release from custody.

In a media release, it says the present political development in Tunisia is another tragic reversal of hard won freedom and democracy contrived by insidious deep state forces.

Unlawful Arrest of Al-Ghannouchi

"The unlawful arrest and heavy-handed detention of Rached al-Ghannouchi and other politicians are nefarious and thus they are totally unacceptable.

"We firmly believe that this detention is a violation of human rights and a threat to Tunisia's democracy and stability.

"We urge all parties involved to resolve any disputes amicably and peacefully, respecting the rules of law whilst ensuring the rights and freedoms of all Tunisian citizens," it says.

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Wadah says it have commended the Tunisian authorities in the past for their efforts in promoting and protecting human rights; having said that, they wish to reiterate our call for the immediate release of Rached al-Ghannouchi.

Respect Rights and Dignity

They also say they believe that every country, regardless of its political system, must respect the rights and dignity of its citizens.

"We are committed to supporting efforts aimed at creating a just and equitable society where human rights, rules of law, and good governance are observed.

"Tunisia must be returned to the popular will of the people and be governed democratically with regained honour, freedom, rights and justice.

"Therefore, we call upon all stakeholders to work together to ensure Tunisia's security, stability, and prosperity. We stand ready to provide any assistance that may be required in this regard," the text says, and it is signed by Haji Ahmad Azam Ab Rahman President of WADAH.

Photo of Ghannouchi from Wikipedia