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Gamers Rejoice: E-Sports Haven E-Zone-Hostel Opens in Osaka

Gamers Rejoice: E-Sports Haven E-Zone-Hostel Opens in Osaka
  • I stayed at E-Sports Hotel e-Zone-Hostel, Osaka, a hostel in Nipponbashi area, Osaka. One night cost me RM 140.00 (USD$33)
  • The accommodation comes with a PC gaming station.
  • The hostel can be described as a combination of e-sports cyber cafe and a bunker. 

I’m a digital nomad living in Tokyo and I paid RM 140.00 for one-night stay at a e-Sports-themed hostel. 

As a freelance journalist and travel writer, I often travel for work and find it convenient to stay in hostels or capsule hotels, also called pod hotels.

For Gamers

I recently stayed at e-Sports Hotel e-Zone-Hostel in Osaka, where I paid just $33 for a one-night stay. The e-Zone Hostel in Osaka is a great option for gamers looking for a budget-friendly, yet comfortable place to stay in the city. The location of the hostel is also very convenient, 640 meters from Namba metro station. The location of the hostel is also very convenient, just a 8-minute walk from Namba metro station and located in the heart of Nipponbashi, an area known for its tech, anime, and manga shopping district.

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One of the unique features of this 2-star hostel is its e-sports theme. The hotel offers a variety of online games such as PUBG, Fortnite, Counter Strike, Valorant and FIFA 2023, which guests can play for free. The check-in process is straightforward, and guests can simply scan a QR code to register. The 4th floor is designated for male guests, while the 5th floor is for female guests.

When visiting the hostel’s 3rd floor gaming area, you’ll find PC stations to play on. These stations are assigned to you during check-in and use the Steam platform. Keep in mind that if you want to play games that are not on the hostel’s featured list, you will need to purchase them.

Friendly Staff

The hotel staff were friendly and helpful. They were able to converse in simple English and provide me with information about the local area and were happy to answer any questions I had about the hotel.

The hotel rooms are air-conditioned and feature a shared bathroom, and free wifi that is fast. The capsules are surprisingly comfortable and provide a sense of privacy, although the experience of sleeping feels like being in a cyber cafe with bright blue and red colors. The male shower rooms are situated on the basement floor together with the laundry area. 

The accommodation comes with a PC gaming station

In summary, an e-sports-themed hostel in Osaka offers a unique experience for both travelers and gamers. The location, amenities, and game selection are suitable for a fun and comfortable stay for you and your companions to play and rest during your visit. (457 words)

The hostel can be described as a combination of e-sports cyber cafe and a bunker