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Global Concerns With Israel Cornered On Violence Against Palestinians

Indonesian MP Fadli Zon, who is also the vice president of the Parliamentarians for AlQuds League, also condemned the Israeli forces attack against Palestinians in the Al-Aqsa mosque and called for international solidarity to protect the holy site.

Indonesian MP Fadli Zon speaks against Isreal's violence and abuses - Pix YouTube

On this Sunday, we can say there has been global concerns regarding the recent violent showdown by Israeli forces in the Al-Aqsa Mosque during this month of Ramadan.

The recurring Israeli violence is now a cause of major concerns from the US to the UK with lawmakers blasting the Zionist regime for its lack of humanism.

US President Joe Biden said he was “deeply concerned” by the violence and called for a “sustainable calm” and respect for Jerusalem’s status quo.

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He also reaffirmed his support for Israel’s right to defend itself and condemned the rocket attacks by Hamas and other militant groups.

Malaysia and Israel Violence

Malaysian Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim condemned the attacks by the Israeli forces against the worshippers and incursions into the Al-Aqsa Mosque as “unlawful, contemptuous, and grossly violating the human rights of the Palestinians and the sanctity of the third holiest shrine in Islam”.

He also called on the international community, especially the UN Security Council, to hold Israel accountable and responsible for its “heinous crimes” and to demand it to stop any provocative acts.

Indonesian Foreign Ministry issued a strong condemnation of a recent comment by Israel’s right-wing finance minister Betzalel Smotrich “who denies the existence of Palestine and denounces the existence and territorial sovereignty of Jordan”.

Indonesia on Palestine

It also reaffirmed its stance of supporting the struggle of the Palestinian people and respecting Jordan’s territorial sovereignty.

Indonesian MP Fadli Zon, who is also the vice president of the Parliamentarians for AlQuds League, also condemned the Israeli forces attack against Palestinians in the Al-Aqsa mosque and called for international solidarity to protect the holy site.

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