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Filmmaker now aims for global release of “Political War” after rejection by Indian Censor

Modi sees "Political War" as a platform to address political manipulation, religious biases, and unity. Beyond this project, Modi has plans for diverse future endeavors

Elite Politics

Despite facing rejection from the Indian Censor Board, filmmaker Mukesh Modi presses forward with the global release of his Hindi film "Political War" on February 23rd.

Born in Mumbai and now based in the United States, Modi's journey into filmmaking was fueled by his passion for storytelling.

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Despite setbacks, like the rejection of "Political War" by the Indian censor board, Modi remains dedicated to sharing his message globally. He emphasizes the importance of films offering solutions rather than merely recounting past events, and advocating for positive societal change through cinema.

The future for Political War

Modi sees "Political War" as a platform to address political manipulation, religious biases, and unity. Beyond this project, Modi has plans for diverse future endeavors, including a psychological thriller titled "Torn" and the establishment of the Indie Film Festival Awards to support independent filmmakers.

Through his resilience and commitment to his craft, Modi continues to inspire audiences with his unwavering dedication to meaningful storytelling and societal impact.