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GLOBIS Launches nano-MBA With New AI-Powered Feedback

GLOBIS Launches nano-MBA With New AI-Powered Feedback

TOKYO, Aug. 24, 2022 — On August 17, the nano-MBA Program joined GLOBIS University’s lineup of cutting-edge business education services. The first course, Leadership and Career Vision, will start on October 29 and run for six weeks.

The GLOBIS nano-MBA, launched August 17, includes a variety of educational media to enhance the study experience: live classes, videos, comprehension exercises with AI feedback, and reflection sessions.

The nano-MBA takes a unique approach to business education, compacting study for partial MBA credit (0.5 credits per course) which is then transferable to the Full-Time MBA or Part-Time and Online MBA programs at GLOBIS University. Students of the nano-MBA will also have limited access to the online learning platform GLOBIS Unlimited to hone skills relevant to the course.

GLOBIS nano-MBA Curriculum

The nano-MBA includes a variety of educational media to enhance the study experience: live classes, videos, comprehension exercises with AI feedback, and reflection sessions. Comprehension exercises with AI feedback were developed by GLOBIS specifically for this program, further enabling students to practice solving real-life business problems. Lecturers provide tailored feedback for deeper insights into targeted frameworks and management methodologies.

As technology accelerates business on a global scale, upskilling is more important than ever. The GLOBIS nano-MBA provides a way for future business leaders to meet this challenging new environment head on. /PRNewswire/