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Why is Haley determined to beat Trump

Haley aims to beat Trump in November by staying for as long as she can in the race to undermine the latter's popularity and vote count.

Elite Politics
Nikky Haley bent on destroying Trump? Photo Wikipedia

This is Nikki Haley's potential impact on the 2024 GOP presidential race as an alternative to Trump. She is determined to defeat former President Donald Trump, no matter whether she wins or not the nomination for the November ticket.

Despite Haley's low likelihood of winning the nomination, she could sway over 20% of GOP voters, potentially undermining Trump's chances.

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By refusing to align fully with Trump or the "Never Trump" movement, Haley occupies a position that could appeal to anti-Trump Republicans.

Her presence in the race offers a voice to Republicans opposed to Trump's influence, potentially weakening his hold on the party, says some analysts.

Overall, Haley's candidacy could challenge Trump's authority within the GOP and contribute to his defeat in the general election.

Haley aims to beat Trump in November by staying for as long as she can in the race to undermine the latter's popularity and vote count.

This will eventually give a victory to the Democrats and their always-falling down candidate, President Joe Biden! Can she really pull this off and destroy the Republican party's chances in November?