House Passes $1.85 Trillion Budget Bill, Sending It to the Senate

The massive social spending and climate package is regarded as a key component of President Joe Biden’s agenda and the House passed the $1.85 Trillion bill, sending it to the Senate.
The vote came after House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy delivered a record-breaking speech to postpone the vote. Will the bill survive the Senate, where defection by a single Democrat could kill the bill!
The House voted 220–213 to pass the budget bill on Friday, sending the bill to the Senate after months of delays and infighting.
Though the passage finally puts an end to months of drama in the House, however, the bill will now have to face an even tougher challenge in the Senate.
Republicans were far from happy with the bill’s passage after months of fighting the proposal, which they consider too pricey and economically dangerous.
Giving her vote on the House floor, one Republican congresswoman said that she was emphatically voting “Hell no” on the “Build Back Broke” bill.
Republicans have been staunch opponents of the legislation since its inception, voting unanimously against it.
Democrats gathered on one side of the House floor after the bill passed the threshold for passage, whooping, clapping, and cheering.