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I was going home, says Ismail Sabri on 'closing the front door' Instagram post - The Star Online

KUALA LUMPUR: Following much speculation on social media over Datuk Seri Ismail Sabri Yaakob’s Instagram post of “closing the front door”, the Senior Minister (Security) said it was just because he was going home for the day.

A picture he posted on his official Instagram account on Wednesday (June 2) shows him closing the door to his office with the caption,”Saya dah tutup pintu depan tapi… ” (I already closed the front door but…), with a crying emoji.

“I closed the door because I was going home,” he told reporters during a virtual press conference to launch the Malaysian Armed Forces modular hospital on Thursday (June 3).

The post, which has garnered close to 29,000 likes, had set tongues wagging, with many speculating about possible conflicts in the Cabinet.

When asked about Ismail’s post, International Trade and Industry Minister Datuk Seri Azmin Ali said there should not be any speculation about it.

“Who is making that speculation? Don’t speculate, ” he said, adding that Ismail Sabri was one of the ministers given an important role in dealing with the Covid-19 pandemic.

He said Ismail Sabri was one of the spokesmen for non-health issues when it came to the pandemic.

Azmin said he and other Cabinet members gave strong support to Ismail Sabri and Health director-general Tan Sri Dr Noor Hisham Abdullah who had huge responsibilities in dealing with the current health crisis.

“We are a team and take collective decisions, ” he said in a separate press conference on Thursday.

“This is a principle we hold to, and my other colleagues and I will keep on giving our support in the Cabinet to ensure everyone can play their roles effectively, ” he added.