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Increased vaccination rate eases the way for national recovery plan, says PM - The Star Online

PETALING JAYA: The number of Covid-19 cases will continue to decrease with the increase in vaccination rates and existing public health measures, says Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin.

He said according to the experiences of other countries, increased vaccination rates have corresponded with significant reductions of daily Covid-19 cases.

“This will definitely allow us to implement a comprehensive National Recovery Plan,” he said during his special address to the nation on Tuesday (June 15).

“At the start of the National Covid-19 Immunisation Programme, Muhyiddin said the vaccination rate was around 5,000 to 8,000 doses a day and increased to 80,000 in May.

“Yesterday (June 14), the vaccination rate reached 197,963 doses and I am confident that this will continue to increase to more than 300,000 doses a day in the months to come,” he said.

He added that they had not only been successful in vaccinating almost all frontliners but also the elderly, with more than 50% of those aged above 60 already receiving at least one dose.

He said the government would continue to prioritise vulnerable groups such as those with co-morbidities and subsequently those who aged 18 and above.

“The government is currently studying the viability of administering vaccines to those aged 12 to 17,” he said.

With the positive increase in daily vaccination rates, Muhyiddin said the government was confident that the national recovery plan would succeed – with more people vaccinated and the movement control order could be loosened.

Muhyiddin said with this, more economic and social sectors could reopen and the country could begin its transition back to pre-pandemic times.