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Calls for a full investigation into Pakistan's election

There are credible and severe allegations of election intimidation and interference, as well as the Pakistani military’s pre-vote rigging...

Elite Politics
Call for full investigation into Pakistan election - Photo: Wiki

Calls for a full investigation into Pakistan’s most recent election are growing, says Just Foreign Policy.

It says the new government is preparing to take control of the country, despite the overwhelming evidence of blatant election interference that may have overturned the will of millions of Pakistani people.

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Analysts broadly agree that Pakistan’s election was illegitimate from the start.

"There are credible and severe allegations of election intimidation and interference, as well as the Pakistani military’s pre-vote rigging making it as difficult as possible for the opposition PTI – the most popular party in the country – to run against them. And now, a senior elections official in one of the country’s most important regions has confessed to helping flip seats against the PTI after the fact," it says.

Pakistan and democracy

Biden administration officials have been reluctant to criticize the Pakistani regime, raising concerns among millions of Pakistanis that they are prioritizing geopolitical interests over democracy for the Pakistani people.

But just this week, Senator Chris Van Hollen and Representative Ron Estes have joined dozens of members of Congress who are demanding call a full investigation into Palestine’s election and are calling for the Biden administration to reject fraudulent results in the name of true democracy. The US should not recognize an undemocratic Pakistani government hand-selected by the dictatorial military.