Is America Preparing for WAR? Bill to Draft 18-26 Year Old Men PASSED in House

The U.S. House of Representatives passed a measure within the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) mandating automatic registration for selective service for men aged 18 to 26.

Is America Preparing for WAR? Bill to Draft 18-26 Year Old Men PASSED in House
Photo by Sander Sammy / Unsplash

The U.S. House of Representatives passed a measure within the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) mandating automatic registration for selective service for men aged 18 to 26. Registration is required by federal law for nearly all male U.S. citizens and male immigrants within this age range, including dual citizens, naturalised citizens, and undocumented immigrants. 

Failure to register is a felony with severe penalties. While there’s no current draft, it can be reinstated during national emergencies. Women are not required to register, but Selective Service is prepared to include them if the law changes. Registration can be done online, at post offices, high schools, or DMV locations.

However, for those older than 26, they are too “old” to register for the draft. It appears that the rebels of the 1960s who fought to end this system, have had every effort they have made to be taken back. 

X users not on board for draft bill 

Furthermore, X users state that the young men in American society would have only two choices. The first choice is to be drafted into a war most likely dying supporting Israel or Ukraine and the American billionaires, or to rot in jail possibly for the next few decades to come. 

Additionally, many are vehemently upset at the fact that illegal immigrants are allowed to enter the country and have the right to vote. But, they’re actually exempted to fight in a potential future war. Americans feel that the Democrat government wants to protect the illegal immigrants, yet at the same time, they’re willing to send the American youth to war. 

Others are sceptical with the possibility of drafting the youth in America. Social media will most likely stop the possibility of this happening, unless a strict control of free speech is coming through the Biden administration. 

Read More News here 

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