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Is The Delta Variant Infecting Vaccinated Israelis?

Is The Delta Variant Infecting Vaccinated Israelis?

Citing a health official, Haaretz says the Delta variant is responsible for half of the infections in Israel but it is infecting vaccinated Israelis. However, the infections in vaccinated people are milder than they are in unvaccinated people.

The Delta variant, not as easily beaten by vaccines as other variants, is driving Israel’s surge.

Israel is currently facing a surge in cases driven by the Delta variant and has started to quarantine people who have come in contact with the tenacious variant.

Chezy Levy, the director-general of Israel’s health ministry, says though numbers are low, there is no indication how many may have been infected.

“Even though the numbers are low, the fact that this is reaching vaccinated people means…”

“We are still checking how many vaccinated people have also been infected,” Levy says.

Levy says that about 40% to 50% of new cases appeared to be people who had been vaccinated, Haaretz reported. He did not appear to specify a time frame for the new cases.

While this is alarming, the infections do not appear to be as severe as they are in unvaccinated people.