Islam and the disintegration of the three spheres of global Influence

Globalisation is all but dead and China is an option that was given to us 1400 years ago...Pux: Unsplash edit LatestMalaysia

In this article, we will depict the three spheres of influence that are the dominant forces in our global interactions and how they are fast disintegrating.

According to established norms, the three spheres of influence refer to political, economic, and cultural-religious influences exerted by powerful entities across the globe.

The influence of the countries that dominated the world for the past century is now under threat of a complete defragmentation.

America is slowly losing its political, economic and cultural clout. It is today perhaps the most divided nation on earth. That is if we take for granted the current political chaos in the new banana republic.

Background to a global deflagration

What is happening in the USA between the Joe Biden and the Donald Trump powerhouses could weaken the US in the long run if it’s persists on the present line of contentions. The woke culture and its oppressive methods versus the conservatives with their intolerance.

This is what the USA is reduced to.
Europe is now divided between traditionalists and extremists. The far right has gained a lot of ground in many European counties. They want a Europe divided on the raw lines of black and white, rich and poor and a rejection of cultural identities. (if you are a Muslim but you burn the Quran, you are protected).

In Asia, the lackeys of the West are facing stinging structural survival issues. These are critical issues related to the political, economic and cultural heritage of some of these nations. Their identities are at risk of deflagration. Their main problem is the ageing population and the dwindling economic prowess.

Asian values

I am talking of Japan, a staunch ally of the USA which is in decline on many fronts. Data show the total number of Japanese nationals in the country fell by about 800,000 people in 2022, the 14th consecutive year of population decline.
Japan's working-age population, or those aged 15-64, is expected to shrink by 30 million over five decades to 45.35 million in 2070. This age group drives consumer spending, and its decline could hurt economic growth. Societal changes are happening. A US ally is facing tougher times.

South Korea too is not in the best of shape as it grapples with the western degradation that is also impacting its world. Internally, it is facing population decline being the country with the worst fertility rate.

The once-vibrant nation is on the way to becoming a country with lots of elderly people and fewer workers. The Korean Statistical Office reported recently that the country lost population in the past three years: It was down by 32,611 people in 2020, 57,118 in 2021 and 123,800 in 2022.

Taiwan’s identity crisis is deepening with the internal divide on China’s policies towards the breakaway Island very much alive in its political and cultural inclinations.

Taiwan's population shrank again last year due to record-low births and deaths surpassing births for the third year in a row. In January, the Ministry of the Interior announced that the population in 2022 was 23,264,640, a decrease of 110,674 from 2021.

The population decline in these countries will have economic fallouts. Not only for the countries involved but also for their economic partners, bilateral trade-dealers and export-import and industrial partners.

But my point here is that many countries are facing internal crises and external ones. For Japan, South Korea and Taiwan, they face external crises linked to the fate of the U.S.  A woke U.S. will impose its rule on their internal and external policies. Gay, woke, sodom…a new agenda is on the cards.

The future of the pro-US entities in Asia - including Australia and New Zealand - is heavily dependent on the direction the American system take.

China in the middle

China too is having an economic crisis created by the political pressure from the US and its allies and from domestic policy failures.

It is also faced with the awakened woke India that is posing the risk of severe economic competition and future political influence in the Asian plateau in the long run.

Now if we look at the map of the world, we will see that there are new forces emerging while the traditional powerhouses are showing signs of collapse.

With the death of the Queen of England, it is an era of peace and European-American dominance that has also gone.
Her absence on the throne coupled by the impact of Brexit on Britain will weigh heavily on the direction the former colonial powers will take. If they go woke, as it is suspected, they will grow as divided as the USA on the political, economic and cultural spheres.

Islam in between

We can’t see them winning in the spheres of influence in Asia, but with China and Russia on the same wave length, Beijing may have an edge.
Beijing, Bharat and Moscow are the new powerhouses now, whether we like it or not.

However, their rise to global dominance will depend on how the western woke politics and culture will divide the world.
Will the 2 billion Muslims lkus or minus have to chose between the West and the East? Or should they unite and create a political and economic force that both the western and eastern block can’t ignore?
As a matter of fact, we are also pretty much divided on the cultural aspect that we are finding it difficult to unite.

The globe is influenced by these pressures; a heavy block is pressuring the globe towards a form of cultural deflagration. Its powers are that it has western economic powers backing it to economically sanction those who do not comply to wokism.

But the Muslim world can work with the blocks that are against the woke culture and western economic and political pressures to deflagrate the rise of wokeism.

How will it happen? That’s another story.