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Israel getting ready to strike Iran

Israel is preparing for a potential IDF strike against Iran’s nuclear program and is aiming to acquire different types of aircraft, intelligence gathering, drones and dedicated armaments for enabling attacks on Iran’s fortified underground facilities.

But an intelligence website, Debka, says in other words, Israel is short at present of a full set of tools for going past a limited operation and conducting a comprehensive offensive for disabling Iran’s nuclear weapons program.

The website says this shortfall is prominent in five main areas.

If a short raid does not finish the job, there will be the need to conduct multiple waves but that would need dozens of additional F-35 and F-15 aircraft.

Once the Israeli offensive is launched, Tehran may be counted on to activate allies from four fronts closer to Israel’s borders: Syria, Lebanon, Iraq and Yemen.

To counter that the IAF has reorganized its assets by moving F-16 short-range aircraft to the Ramat David base in the north. However, these aircraft are also in short supply and would have to be substantially augmented.

The site talks of landing in Saudi Arabia or a US Culf airbase that would solve refuelling problems but it has to be discounted because of reports of Saudi and UAE rapprochement.

Read Full Story Here: DebKa