Jurassic Park? 30 Preserved Titanosaur Eggs Found in Spain!

Jurassic Park? 30 Preserved Titanosaur Eggs Found in Spain!

Get ready to run for your life. Or visit a park in the future where you can see a Titanosaur live. That is if the eggs uncovered in Spain would hatch.

The finds reminds us of the movie Jurassic Park in which scientists managed to hatch dinosaurs from an unlikely amber containing a mosquito that had dinosaur blood in its belly.

The eggs are spherical in shape, each measuring about 15 centimeters (approx. 6 inches) across, according to the University of Zaragoza and are in an optimal state for conservation. They were grouped in such a way that suggests the possibility of several nests.

(Courtesy of Carmen Nuñez Lahuerta via University of Zaragoza)

The Aragosaurus-IUCA Group of the University of Zaragoza and the Portuguese NOVA University Lisbon spearheaded the fossil gathering initiative.

The Aragosaurus-IUCA Group of the University of Zaragoza and the Portuguese NOVA University Lisbon spearheaded the fossil gathering initiative.

The most recent extraction procedure, completed in September 2021, required the evacuation of one huge nest holding at least 12 eggs, which had become encrusted in a pile of rock weighing more than two tonnes. The block was covered with cellulose and plaster in 2020, and a metal structure was added to make removal easier.

“In total, five people dedicated eight hours a day for 50 days to excavate the nest, which was finally removed with the help of a bulldozer,” says director of the excavation Miguel Moreno-Azanz of NOVA University Lisbon.