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Keadilan Zoom's on the most vulnerable members among the people

Anwar Ibrahim says the focus of the Keadilan party should be on the most vulnerable people in Malaysia.

He said this in a special meeting with Keadilan Central Leadership Council and Members of Parliament. The meeting took place on Zoom.

Anwar stressed on several important points that he says the MPs and the party members must bear in mind.

Besides increasing the party’s efforts to serve the people of Malaysia, it is the most vulnerable ones that need immediate attention.

Anwar urged all members to continue to serve and to ramp up their assistance to local communities during the on-going Covid-19 pandemic.

Special emphasis should to the Selangor and Negeri Sembilan Menteri Besar’s to work hard in dealing with the challenges from COVID.

While the various health-related SOPs need to be strictly obeyed, Keadilan cannot let up in uplifting all Malaysians to the best of its abilities, especially the most vulnerable members of our society.

He emphasised to Keadilan’s MPs the need to work constantly on their respective portfolios both inside and outside Parliament.

However, they must not only articulate the party’s stands on the various issues but also act as guardians of the public interest in their portfolios.

Moreover, it is essential that they actively and constantly engage with stakeholders on the challenges facing our country.

It is only by listening to the rakyat that the party can identify ways to help our country recover as well as prosper.

Finally, Anwar updated the party on recent developments, including his audience next week with His Majesty the Yang Di-Pertuan Agong.

He urged the members to call all Malaysians to remain calm and to continue to pray for His Majesty as well as for the country.