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Khairy: Govt aims to vaccinate 200000 people a day by July, up to 300000 daily by August - The Star Online

JOHOR BARU: The government has set a target to vaccinate at least 200, 000 individuals a day from next month, before increasing it to 300, 000 a day in August, says Khairy Jamaluddin.

The National Covid-19 Immunisation Programme coordinating minister said among the measures that would be taken to achieve these figures is the opening of more mega vaccine dispensing centres (PPV) throughout the country.

“This is why I am visiting several states, including Johor, to make sure the needs to open up mega PPVs are met, to increase vaccination among the people.

“If we can do it, then I am confident of hitting the target of vaccinating 80% of our population by October, ” he said after jointly chairing the Covid-19 Immunisation Task Force (CITF) meeting with Johor Mentri Besar Datuk Hasni Mohammad here on Tuesday (June 8).

Khairy, who is also Science, Technology and Innovation Minister, said in line with more mega PPVs, the government was making an effort to increase the number of medical sector workforce through collaboration with the private sector by getting assistance from junior doctors, retired doctors and nurses as well as medical students.

“Malaysia has already finalised the schedule to receive 25 million Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine doses by the third quarter of this year, and we are also clear on the SinoVac delivery schedule as well as working towards updating the schedule for AstraZeneca delivery,” he added.