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Let talented youths defend seats of party-hoppers, says PKR wing - Free Malaysia Today

Akmal Nasir said all efforts must be made to ensure candidates selected for GE15 will not switch parties after being elected.

PETALING JAYA: PKR Youth leader Akmal Nasir has urged his party leaders to give priority to talented youths to stand in the next general election (GE15), especially in the seats where the party was betrayed by party-hoppers.

The Johor Bahru MP said youths were angry when elected representatives switched parties.

“The selection of candidates should be more rigorous.

“Those with a dubious background should be rejected,” he said at the virtual PKR Youth Congress today, adding that all efforts must be made to ensure such betrayals would never happen in the future.

He also thanked DAP and Amanah for steadfastly supporting PKR president Anwar Ibrahim as the candidate for prime minister.

“To mobilise strength and to restore the rakyat’s confidence, we would like to propose that the PKR flag be used again to represent Pakatan Harapan in the coming general election,” he said.

Moving on to the economy of the nation, Akmal warned that the rising unemployment among youths would have a negative impact if left unchecked, adding that the economy was struggling, with youths getting low wages and foreign investors exiting the country.

“A lot of investors are going to our neighbours, Indonesia and Vietnam, to open businesses even during these hard times.

“Indonesia has managed to attract Amazon to invest in their country while Hyundai and Toyota have left Malaysia,” he said.

He said the rising anger among Malaysians was also due to the government’s failure to be transparent and accountable on the money spent on vaccines, and also on its double standards involving ordinary Malaysians and politicians in observing Covid-19 SOPs.

Due to this, he urged PKR Youth to constantly engage with the rakyat who are in need and carry out initiatives to help them.

“We need to walk the talk and not just talk,” he said.