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Light at end of Covid-19 tunnel, reconvene Parliament by Aug 1: LKS - The Sun Daily

PETALING JAYA: Malaysians have finally seen light at the end of the tunnel of the 18-month Covid-19 pandemic with the Conference of Rulers special meeting yesterday, Lim Kit Siang (pix) said.

According to the veteran DAP leader, the meeting has ended the various speculations and theories including those with dubious constitutional basis and legitimacy on how the country is to negotiate the constitutional impasse where no person seems to command a clear majority in Parliament while the country is faced with an existential threat by the Covid-19 pandemic.

“Malaysians now have only one issue in mind – how to win the war against the Covid-19 pandemic and its devastating effect on the life, economy and society in Malaysia, especially to end the string of unnecessary and avoidable Covid-19 deaths, which have reached 4,142 cases of fatalities yesterday, hitting three-digit figures in four days in June,” Lim said in a statement today.

“Malaysians do not want any constitutional crisis in any form but a single-minded focus by every Malaysian, whether in the Executive or the Legislatures. to win the war against the Covid-19 pandemic – and this must remain the nation’s single-minded focus whether it takes one or two years.”

The Iskandar Puteri MP said the Conference of Rulers special meeting yesterday has set a good example which must be followed in word and spirit by all Malaysians.

“Let us put aside our differences, whether political or otherwise, and single-mindedly win the war against the Covid-19 pandemic.

“The stand of the Yang di-Pertuan Agong and the Rulers that Parliament and the various State Assemblies should be convened as soon as possible should be endorsed by all Malaysians.

“I call on the Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department (Law and Parliament) Takiyuddin Hassan not to be obstinate or obstructive but to fully co-operate to convene Parliament and the various State Assemblies before Aug 1, 2021 as this is a clear-cut intention of the Yang di-Pertuan Agong and the Rulers,” he added.