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Lookout Named a visionary In Gartner magic quadrant

Lookout Named a visionary In Gartner magic quadrant

MALAYSIA, 23 February 2022 – Lookout, Inc.the leader in endpoint-to-cloud security, today announced that Gartner has named Lookout a Visionary in the 2022 Magic Quadrant for Security Service Edge (SSE).

The Company also announced it scored among the top three solutions in the 2022 Gartner Critical Capabilities for SSE in each of the four use cases.

Gartner defines SSE as a platform that converges cloud-centric security capabilities to facilitate secure access to the web, cloud services (SaaS) and private applications. 

According to Gartner, revenue in the SSE market amounted to between $2.4 billion and $2.6 billion in fiscal 2020 and is growing by 19% to 21% year over year.

The emergence of a market for security service edge solutions reflects the need for organizations with hybrid workforces to apply consistent security from the cloud.

Cloud services

An SSE platform offers immediate opportunities to reduce complexity, costs and the number of vendors. Gartner also states that, “B by 2025, 80% of enterprises will have adopted a strategy to unify web, cloud services and private application access from a single vendor’s SSE platform.” 

The Lookout SSE solution enables organizations to secure their data while supporting a modern, anywhere anytime workforce with consistent cloud-delivered security policies regardless of where data is stored.

In addition to integrating Cloud Access Security Broker (CASB)Zero Trust Network Access (ZTNA) and Secure Web Gateway (SWG) into a single platform, Lookout SSE integrates policy and data security enforcements deeply across web, SaaS and private applications.

These include User and Entity Behavior Analytics (UEBA)Data Loss Prevention (DLP) and Enterprise Digital Rights Management (EDRM). As a result, the Lookout SSE solution delivers an easy-to-use unified user interface across SWG, CASB and ZTNA that simplifies policy and reporting workflows.

Lookout for this

Lookout SSE consolidates CASB, ZTNA, and SWG with Endpoint Security into a unified platform that reduces cost and complexity while simplifying management of security and access across all endpoints, clouds and on-premises infrastructures.

By analyzing telemetry data from users, endpoints and the data they’re accessing, Lookout dynamically enforces policies with varying degrees of granularity.

The Gartner Critical Capabilities for SSE – an adjunct to the Gartner Magic Quadrant – is a comparative analysis that scores products or services against a set of critical differentiators that every business needs as identified by Gartner.

Among 11 vendors, the Lookout SSE solution earned one of the top three scores for each of the four use cases in the Critical Capabilities report; these use cases are:

  • Secure web and cloud usage
  • Detect and mitigate threats 
  • Connect and secure remote workers 
  • Identify and protect sensitive information 

“Most organizations today are struggling with the complexity of multiple point security products and it is no longer a tenable strategy. We believe Gartner has recognized this trend by establishing the new SSE category that requires a unified platform approach to streamline data protection as organizations migrate to the cloud,” said Jim Dolce, CEO, Lookout.

The magic quadrant

“We are pleased to be recognized as a Visionary in this inaugural Magic Quadrant and with the scores we received for our solution for four Use Cases in the Critical Capabilities report.”

Today’s announcement follows Gartner naming Lookout as a Sample Vendor in the CASB and Mobile Threat Defense (MTD) categories across multiple 2021 Gartner® Hype Cycle reports.

Lookout was also listed as a Representative Vendor in the 2021 Gartner Market Guide for MTD for the fifth consecutive year and as a Visionary in the 2020 Gartner Magic Quadrant for CASB.

The placement of Lookout in the Magic Quadrant is based on evaluation by Gartner of the company’s ability to execute and its completeness of vision. 

Click here to download a complimentary copy of the 2022 Magic Quadrant for SSE, and here for a complimentary copy of the 2022 Gartner Critical Capabilities for SSE.