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Malaysia on the latest political developments in Sudan

Malaysia on the latest political developments in Sudan

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs is closely monitoring developments in Sudan, following the latest reports of a military takeover, a media release from Wisma Putra says.

According to the Embassy of Malaysia in Khartoum, there are 42 Malaysians, including 27 students registered with the Embassy, and they are safe. The Embassy officials are in close contact with them.

Notwithstanding the evolving situation in Sudan, the Ministry will continue to undertake efforts to safeguard Malaysia’s interest in that country, including the PETRONAS Sudan Complex, which also houses the Embassy of Malaysia; and Agencies of the United Nations and international organisations.

As a matter of urgency, the above matters and concerns pertaining to the safety of Malaysians in Sudan were conveyed to the Sudanese Charge d’ Affaires, who was summoned to Wisma Putra this afternoon.