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Mauritius: From Israelis to Russians Ahead of Next General Elections?

It appears that La Cuisine is getting the latest technology for that matter with the launch of a Russian satellite over the Indian Ocean.

Photo by Galen Crout / Unsplash

Mauritius may call for a General Elections in August this year, if not, it might be for August next year and Russians are now in the game.

There are reports that Mauritius is now under the spell of a Russian group that has replaced an Israeli group at La Cuisine.

The reports insist that the Mauritius leaders are now cozying towards the Russians in a bid to restart the internet surveillance on Mauritians.

Sniffing Data

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"The Israelis have done their job, that is help the leader win the last elections. Now they are looking for the help of Russians on the same front," says the source.

The population went into a frenzy last year after reports of a man called 'moustache' from India who allegedly sniffed data from the Mauritius Telecoms servers.

There were talks of a complete surveillance of the Mauritian population online, tracking all devices and messages.

"This time, they are going to track all WhatsApp, Facebook messenger and TikTok channels. The aim is to know the mood among Mauritius ahead of the next General Elections," the source adds.

Russian Technology?

The source says the elections may be held in August (2023) and the Russians need three months to prepare the 'sniffing' of local telecom lines to set a dragnet that will 'read' all messages online.

It appears that La Cuisine is getting the latest technology for that matter with the launch of a Russian satellite over the Indian Ocean.

The spy satelite will, apparently, track all devices in Mauritius and will have access to the local internet distribution networks.

However, there are not names indicated. The information does not contain the names of the Russian company, the people involved and who from La Cuisine is directing the operations.