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Melaka cops nab four who used 'Miti letter' to stage interstate robbery - The Star Online

MELAKA: Police have arrested four suspects from Kuala Lumpur who purportedly used an International Trade and Industry Ministry (Miti) letter to enter the state to stage a robbery.

State police chief Deputy Comm Datuk Abdul Majid Mohd Ali said the suspects, aged between 34 and 37, were arrested after they staged an armed robbery at a posh condominium in Klebang here on June 4.

“During the robbery, the suspects tied up a 54-year-old businessman and his wife, aged 42.

“The couple’s two children, aged eight and nine, were also inside the house but were not harmed,” he said on Friday (June 11).

DCP Abdul Majid said in the 8.30pm incident, the suspects fled with the victims’ belongings worth RM1.2mil including a sport utility vehicle and a Range Rover car.

He said acting on a report lodged by the businessman on June 5, police started tracking down the suspects.

“We managed to arrest the four suspects at a home in Bandar Baru Sri Petaling in Kuala Lumpur at 3.45pm on June 7.

“Checks showed all four of them have previous criminal records,” he said.

The suspects have been remanded and will be investigated under Section 395 dan 379A of the Penal Code for armed robbery and vehicle theft.

DCP Abdul Majid said police had also recovered the stolen items including the two cars.

“We are investigating how the suspects had used the Miti letter to pass through the roadblocks,” he said.