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Metaverse, a line of underwear that can be customized by the customer

Metaverse, a line of underwear that can be customized by the customer

UNITED STATES, January 16, 2022– The new lingerie company Adebisia Dewusi MPY is poised to take the world of undies by storm. With a professional background in both designing and manufacturing undergarments for men and women, as well as her love of social media, it’s no surprise that this entrepreneur has created an innovative platform where people can order their perfect pair of underwear before they even leave home. Customers will be able to shop online, design their own style with personalized colors and fabrics, or ask for help from Adebisia Dewusi MPY herself or one of her team members via live chat on the website. This revolutionary concept promises a comfortable and seamless shopping experience no more uncomfortable fitting rooms.

The world of metaverse, which we have heard about recently in the news and on social media sites like Facebook has been causing quite a stir among marketers. Companies are lining up to hire developers for this new frontier that will revolutionize their field as well! Adebisia Dewusi MPY Clothing announced its latest promotion by saying they plan on making “digital” clothing available within Metaverses universe. Adebisia Dewusi MPY has achieved great success with its women’s lingerie products for the last 3 years. The future looks bright for this thriving business.

Recently, the company has launched leather choker necklace and yoga pants. These handmade pieces are worn by women as accessories and plan to keep up with digital trends in the underwear industry while revolutionizing its line of products through NFTs (non-functional tokens).

The clothing industry seems to be warming up to digitization. This is evident in the statements made by company officials during an interview, explaining how countries such as Australia and Ireland are very positive about the idea of reducing reliance on traditional methods of production with newer technology in their garment making processes.

The search continues due to the increase in the prices of cotton, which is the raw material of the products produced due to the decrease in agriculture in the world. One of the biggest advantages of the company, which produces organic products that do not harm human health, can be seen its production in Turkey. This country generally produces raw materials such as cotton with 1st class quality. The company conveys to its customers that they work hard for a quality product.

By 2030, it is predicted that the entire world will have swap to virtual characters and accessories. This seems like a positive transformation for both clothing companies as well as consumers who want more variety in their purchases!

The company announced that it will open the metaverse series to users as a full version in 2025.
