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Why an MMM duo got upset with WorldFutureTv

The latest information from the MMM opposition party is that two of its prominent figures, Pradeep Jeeha and Reza Uteem have taken it at heart to campaign against WorldFutureTv.

Our source in the opposition did inform us a while back that the MMM had constituted a committee to investigate both our organisation and our content over India’s push to have early elections in Mauritius.

The source also told us that Jeeha and Uteem were the two guys who were handed over the job to find all the information they could get on the founder of WorldFutureTv and on the organisation itself.

Recently, they came up with some comments at a MMM political bureau meeting in which they told the crowd of naysayers that WorldFutureTv was nothing, and that its founder had no capacity to cause any trouble to the MMM or interfere in local politics.

That is good news, though, since they admit that our source stories on Mauritius and on the MMM is true since they failed to deny any of them, and they also accept the fact that India has indeed pressed the Prime Minister Pravind Jugnauth to go for early polls to save his political career.

It is also possible that both local political figures – one the son of a prominent former President Cassam Uteem – are also aware that their leader Paul Berenger has had secret talks with the Jugnauth family on a possible alliance between the MMM and the MSM of Pravind Jugnauth.

The Truth and Nothing but the Truth

This is what New Delhi wanted to press upon the Jugnauth’s family and surely Mr Jeeha would agree with that since he has very strong contacts in the Narendra Modi’s government.

However, we would state it clearly here: There is no reason for Mr Jeeha and Mr Uteem to get upset over WorldFutureTv’s reports, since they are true, unless they do not want us to report freely what we know!

And if the latter was the case, it does not augur good for Mauritius that we have two potential top guns in our local political scene that would not want a portal based far away from Mauritius but owned by a Mauritius citizen to tell the truth?

It would be unlikely too, that Mr Jeeha and Mr Uteem would be supporters of a site that apparently supports the current regime in power and that has branded as fake news?

Yet, Motinews lied about us and should instead be called Mentinews instead, and you know why.

Now, Mr Jeeha and Uteem should not be seen in the company of the likes of Mentinews, because that will dent their political careers.

Though, as we know, their careers are seasonal at best since there will be times when they will be duly elected to Parliament thanks to their party’s prowess and there will be other times, they will struggle to get into the Parliament and this will be due to their party’s weakness.

Well, Mr Jeeha, we are around the corner and we are planning big things for Mauritius thus our advise to your colleagues in the bureau politique of the MMM is to watch our corner!

However, it is a pity that the MMMTV handed over to Mr Jeeha is still struggling to take off, albeit the occasional viral videos that are not made by the MMM.

Since we are for the freedom of information and for the freedom of speech, we welcome criticism from the likes of Jeeha an Uteem, openly!