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National Recovery Plan vital, best way to get out of Covid-19 pandemic, say ministers - The Star Online

KUALA LUMPUR (Bernama): Senior Minister (Works) Datuk Seri Fadillah Yusof has described the National Recovery Plan as the best approach to take the country out of the Covid-19 pandemic.

He said protecting the lives and ensuring the people’s livelihoods were the government’s priority in implementing the strategy, as emphasised by Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yasin in that it was formulated based on data and science as well as certain indicators.

“Therefore, it is important for the public to give it their full backing to ensure the success of the plan, which was announced by the Prime Minister to ensure victory can be achieved in taking the country out of the pandemic, which has hit the nation for more than a year,” he said in a Facebook post on Wednesday (June 16).

He urged those who have yet to register for vaccination to do so immediately so as to expedite the process of achieving herd immunity and make the recovery plan a success.

On Tuesday (June 15), Muhyiddin announced the National Recovery Plan, which is believed to be capable of bringing life back to normal by the end of this year, including reconvening Parliament in September or October, and it also comprised four phases that would involve transition through the various phases of the movement control order in stages.

Meanwhile, Plantation Industries and Commodities Minister Datuk Dr Mohd Khairuddin Aman Razali, said it was important that the National Recovery Plan was implemented according to the strategy drawn up to ensure its success.

He explained that various efforts were being carried out by the government, including launching the National Covid-19 Immunisation Programme, awareness campaigns, and the implementation of the MCO 3.0, although these were not easy decisions.

“Therefore, I urge all Malaysians to jointly fight this pandemic. Let us together strive to get 60% of the country’s population to receive both doses of the vaccine jabs so as to create herd immunity, and the transition phase can be implemented by the end of October at the earliest,” he said on Facebook.

Perikatan Nasional’s women’s wing leader Datuk Seri Rina Mohd Harun is confident that the four phases under the National Recovery Plan are centred on data, facts and figures would guide policymakers in determining actions to be taken as well as what was needed to be achieved for the country to overcome Covid-19.

She also described it as giving the people the confidence that the Perikatan government actually has a proper plan to revive the country, both in terms of the people’s lives and the economy.

The Women, Family and Community Development Minister also said that the plan provided a clear direction as to how the government wanted to tackle the pandemic.

On the reconvening of Parliament, Rina said it proved that Muhyiddin and the government were always committed to ensuring the parliamentary democracy system could function again at an appropriate time, namely after Covid-19 cases are under control and the country has nearly achieved herd immunity.

“The Perikatan Women’s wing hopes that the Prime Minister’s assertion will put a stop to all the various speculations, allegations and baseless assumption that the Prime Minister is afraid to reconvene Parliament,” she said in a statement.

She also hoped that all the members of Parliament would instead focus their attention to increase registrations for vaccinations, especially in their respective constituencies to enable the country to achieve herd immunity, and, thus, facilitate the reopening of Parliament. -Bernama