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On day 100, a record 117,563 vaccine jabs | Free Malaysia Today - Free Malaysia Today

Vaccine minister Khairy Jamaluddin says Malaysia’s vaccination rate has surpassed Thailand, the Philippines and Vietnam.

KUALA LUMPUR: Malaysia recorded a new milestone in its vaccination drive when 117,563 doses of vaccine jabs were administered in a single day yesterday, the highest number since the National Covid-19 Immunisation Programme (PICK) was implemented 100 days ago.

The figure is a clear indication that the vaccination programme has moved into high gear and is set to meet the target of administering 150,000 vaccine shots per day in June before increasing it to 200,000 shots by July.

The programme’s coordinating minister Khairy Jamaluddin said yesterday the target would be achieved through the establishment of more vaccination centres, including 1,000 private clinics nationwide, as well as through the drive-through system.

Khairy, who is also science, technology and innovation minister, had pointed out yesterday that Malaysia’s vaccination rate, including for the first dose, has surpassed Thailand, the Philippines and Vietnam.

Based on vaccine doses administered per 100 people in the total population, statistics provided by indicate Malaysia with a figure of 9.3 is close behind its immediate neighbours Indonesia (9.98) and Brunei (12.06). Only Singapore is far ahead with a figure of 69.19.

Today’s figures from the Covid-19 vaccine supply access guarantee special committee indicate 12,584,422 people, or more than one third of the Malaysian population of 31.5 million, have registered for the vaccine.

Already 2,282,783 Malaysians have completed the vaccination process.

Malaysia recorded 7,748 new cases and 86 fatalities today, taking the total number of cases to 603,122 and fatalities to 3,182.