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Political leaders take turns meeting with the King (Updated) - The Sun Daily

KUALA LUMPUR: Political leaders are taking turns to have an audience with the Yang di-Pertuan Agong Al-Sultan Abdullah Ri’ayatuddin Al-Mustafa Billah Shah at Istana Negara here today.

Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin was the first to be granted an audience at 8 am and the meeting lasted an hour.

Normally, Muhyiddin as the Prime Minister would seek an audience with the King before the Cabinet meeting on Wednesday, to give an update on the development of the country’s administration.

Meanwhile, the car carrying Opposition Leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim(pix) was spotted entering the main gate of the palace at 10.40 am and left an hour later.

Speaking to awaiting reporters at the gate, the PKR president said the meeting revolved around discussions on Covid-19, Parliament sitting and the country’s economic situation.

“First and foremost, of course, I shared our (opposition) opinions on Covid-19, low rate of testing, high infection rate and death toll, and I’m happy and touched that His Majesty is very well-informed about the current development,” he said.

On ending of emergency, he said the King has asked for all quarters to uphold the spirit of constitutional monarchy.

On Jan 12, Al-Sultan Abdullah proclaimed an emergency that will be enforced up to Aug 1 as a proactive measure to contain the worsening Covid-19 pandemic in Malaysia.

Earlier this week, media reported that Al-Sultan Abdullah is scheduled to meet with political party leaders from today until next week, including via video conferencing.

Meanwhile, DAP secretary-general Lim Guan Eng arrived at the palace at around 2pm and left at 3.15pm.

When met by reporters, Lim said he shared the party’s views on the Covid-19 situation and its impact on the economy and the people, as well as the need to expedite the vaccination process, during the audience with the King.

Amanah president Mohamad Sabu, who arrived at 3pm, left the palace an hour later.

Apart from raising the people’s concern over the Covid-19 pandemic, Mohamad said he also spoke about the need to hold the Parliament session. –Bernama