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Is the World Ready to Rally Behind Ukraine as US Funds Pour In?

Almost all the funding is dispersed between the Defense Department and State Department, including supplies of military weaponry and equipment along with economic assistance.

Photo by Nick Tsybenko / Unsplash

The campaign to engage the Global South in supporting Ukraine is being spearheaded by the United States and its partners. Since Russia launched its full-scale invasion in February 2022, the US has provided billions in security assistance to help Ukraine defend itself and maintain sovereignty. America is fully committed to rallying its worldwide alliances and partnerships to advance Ukraine's proposals for a peaceful resolution to the conflict.

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The recent NATO summit accomplished some incremental progress for Ukraine's aspirations to one day join the alliance, demonstrating continued US leadership in backing Ukraine. Hence, the US-coordinated effort to involve more countries from Africa, Asia, Latin America and the developing world seems aimed at further strengthening global support for Ukraine.

In total, the US has allocated a staggering $115 billion toward the Ukraine conflict just since February. Around $54 billion of that enormous sum was approved just last week by Congress as part of a new Lend-Lease Act aid package. Almost all the funding is dispersed between the Defense Department and State Department, including supplies of military weaponry and equipment along with economic assistance. Smaller portions go toward humanitarian relief efforts for Ukraine and refugees. To date, over $30 billion has been spent on security assistance to reinforce Ukraine's sovereignty and territorial integrity against Russian military aggression.

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More US Funds for Ukraine

Specifically, well over half of America's spending has been in the form of direct military aid. This means providing equipment, arms, ammunition and other critical support to Ukraine's armed forces. The US has sent over $30 billion in military assistance to date. Meanwhile the remainder is allocated for humanitarian assistance, such as food, healthcare, shelter and support for the millions of Ukrainians displaced by the conflict.

In summary, the high-level summit represents a strategic opportunity for Ukraine's Zelenskyy government to advance its peace proposal, gain backing of neutral countries, pursue further NATO integration and secure wider international support. The United States government has played a leading role by spending tens of billions in military and humanitarian aid to dramatically bolster Ukraine's defense capabilities and global standing. Garnering broader worldwide support through the summit could help bring an end to the devastating war that has caused mass suffering across Ukraine.

With Russian aggression showing no signs of abating, Ukraine needs ongoing security assistance. Thus, the US and its allies continue intensive diplomatic efforts to sustain international pressure on Russia. The summit marks an important milestone in Ukraine's multidimensional strategy. While complex negotiations lie ahead, global unity behind Ukraine's sovereignty and territorial integrity remains the best path to securing a just peace.