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Resignation of Vietnamese President Thuong

The government stated that Thuong violated party rules, and these “shortcomings” negatively affected public opinion and the reputation of the party, state, and himself.

Asean Politics
Pres Vo Van Thuong of Vietnam - Photo: YouTube

President Vo Van Thuong of Vietnam has resigned after serving just one year in office. The Vietnamese Communist Party accepted his resignation, citing “shortcomings.” This development indicates political turmoil that could impact foreign investors’ confidence in the country.

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Thuong's Resignation

The government stated that Thuong violated party rules, and these “shortcomings” negatively affected public opinion and the reputation of the party, state, and himself.

Although the president’s role is largely ceremonial, it is one of the top four political positions in Vietnam.

The resignation comes amid the ongoing “blazing furnace” anti-bribery campaign, which aims to combat corruption but is also suspected of being a tool for political infighting.

Thuong was closely associated with General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong, Vietnam’s most powerful figure and the architect of the anti-graft campaign.

The swift election of a new president may resolve the current political crisis, but repeated leadership changes could impact business sentiment in a country heavily reliant on foreign investment.

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