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What Was it With Saudi Arabia's Ukraine Talks Minus Moscow?

The presence of high-level representatives from 40 countries demonstrates the wider international community's commitment to achieving stability and peace in Ukraine.

Photo by ekrem osmanoglu / Unsplash

The recent summit hosted by Saudi Arabia regarding the ongoing war in Ukraine drew criticism from Russia, who was excluded from the talks. Over 40 countries were represented at the summit in Jeddah, but Russia saw its exclusion as a slight and berated the meeting as a "diplomats' summit" rather than one aimed at substantively resolving the conflict.

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From Russia's perspective, their exclusion from discussions about ending a war they are directly involved in provoked a negative reaction. The goal of the summit, attended by senior officials from around the world, was to find a diplomatic solution to the crisis in Ukraine. But without Russian participation, they likely felt it was futile. The Kyiv Post noted Russia's displeasure, indicating Moscow was upset with the summit's outcome. Though the specific comments made by Russian officials are unclear, it is evident Russia objected to the summit and not having a seat at the table.

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Geopolitical broker?

Saudi Arabia's hosting of the summit highlights its growing prominence as a geopolitical power broker. The presence of high-level representatives from 40 countries demonstrates the wider international community's commitment to achieving stability and peace in Ukraine. Saudi Arabia provided neutral ground for open dialogue on pathways to resolving the conflict diplomatically.

The list of participating nations was diverse, including regional powers like Egypt and Indonesia alongside countries like Mexico, Chile and Zambia. Ukraine has been building global backing beyond its core western allies by engaging the developing world. The wide range of countries present shows the universal desire for peace.

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China's participation was seen optimistically by Ukraine, Saudi Arabia and China itself. Having a senior Chinese official at the talks indicated China's interest in a peaceful settlement. Brief US-China discussions also suggest some level of cooperation between the superpowers on Ukraine. Overall, China's presence and engagement highlighted the shared goal of ending the war.

Neutral Stance?

In a statement, China reiterated its neutral stance, saying it aimed to "uphold an independent and impartial stance" while promoting peace. China believes the summit helped "consolidate international consensus" on addressing the crisis. While non-committal, China's openness to the talks was seen positively as constructive diplomacy.

Ultimately, Saudi Arabia provided a fitting venue for several reasons. As a neutral facilitator, Jeddah allowed open dialogue. Saudi Arabia showed its commitment to global stability by hosting the diverse international gathering. The summit also boosted Saudi prominence as a broker of peace and strengthened ties. With Russia absent, Saudi Arabia's impartial role enabled frank discussions toward the shared goal of peace in Ukraine.