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Sabah politician claims trial to 5 charges of outraging modesty - Free Malaysia Today

Phillip Among was released on an RM8,000 bail for each charge while awaiting pre-trial case management next month.

KOTA KINABALU: Sabah politician Phillip Among was slapped with five charges of outraging the modesty of two women at a magistrates’ court here today.

Among, a member of Parti Solidariti Tanah Airku (STAR), was charged under Section 354 of the Penal Code with molesting the women, who included an Unduk Ngadau Kaamatan beauty pageant contestant.

Among, whose real name is Philip Among @ Daniel Dell Fidelis, pleaded not guilty after the charges were read to him before magistrate Jessica Ombou Kakayun.

On the first charge, he is accused of using criminal force with the intention to outrage the modesty of a woman on April 17 at 11pm in a living room at Capsule Inn in Asia City here.

The four other charges allege that he outraged the modesty of the beauty contestant at four separate locations on May 19.

Deputy public prosecutor Siti Amirah Mohd Ali appealed to the court to impose a bail of RM20,000 for each charge as the case had been widely reported in the media.

However, Among’s lawyers, Marcel Jude and Abdul Fikry Jaafar Abdullah, asked for a lower amount, saying the accused had given his full cooperation to police during the investigations.

Jude, in his bail application, asked the court to consider Among’s contributions to the community as a politician, adding that his income as a businessman had been affected by the Covid-19 pandemic.

The court granted Among bail of RM8,000 for each charge with two local sureties while awaiting his pre-trial case management, which has been set for July 14, 21 and 22.

The court also instructed Among’s passport to be impounded and that he report to the police station once a month.

The accused was arrested at his office in Asia City on June 2 after a press conference he held to answer the accusations levelled against him.

Among’s party has stripped him of the Putatan parliamentary coordinator position.