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Saudi Worries: More-infectious Variants Of Coronavirus In Circulation

Saudi Worries: More-infectious Variants Of Coronavirus In Circulation

Kuala Lumpur: Fearing more-infectious variants of Coronavirus in circulation, Saudi authorities are banning travel, without prior permission, to and from the UAE, Ethiopia and Vietnam.

The Ministry of Interior on Saturday says Flights to and from the three countries will be suspended on Sunday, July 4, at 11 p.m.

The ministry says anyone who arrives in the Kingdom after this date will be required to undergo institutional quarantine.

This applies to both Saudi citizens and foreigners, reports Arab News.

The English daily says entry from Afghanistan has also been suspended.

Health authorities in the Kingdom reports 1,338 new confirmed cases of COVID-19 on Friday and 16 recent deaths.

The authorities did not say what variants they are. They may be the Delta and the Delta Plus variants.

A more contagious variant, known as Delta, is spreading in the United States and around the world.

This is causing a surge of cases in some countries and prompting new lockdowns in several countries.

The Delta variant has also changed the way Australia is dealing with the pandemic.

It’s more infectious, has different symptoms.

Politicians are calling it everything from a “tricky bugger” to a “guerilla fighter”.Saudi