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Why is Singapore Imposing a Ban on Carrying a Palestinian Flag?

You can wonder if you can apply for a permit to wear a pro-Palestine scarf or t-shirt in Singapore, but violating the ban on public rallies regarding the Israel-Palestine conflict can result in penalties including hefty fines and even imprisonment.

Deputy Prime Minister Lawrence Wong - Wikipedia

In response to the ongoing Israel-Hamas conflict, the Singapore government has implemented strict measures that it says will ensure public safety and security. Recent news articles report that the country has banned public rallies and events related to the conflict, as well as the public display of foreign national emblems, without a permit.

You can wonder if you can apply for a permit to wear a pro-Palestine scarf or t-shirt in Singapore, the 'fine' country. But violating the ban on public rallies regarding the Israel-Palestine conflict can result in penalties including hefty fines and even imprisonment.

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But if you are a Singaporean, you are free to voice your views online or adorn your social media posts and accounts with the Palestinian, or Israeli flags etc.

Nevertheless, the Singapore Police Force has cited public safety and security concerns for rejecting applications for rallies specifically related to Gaza. The government has taken a firm stance, stating that organizing or participating in a public assembly without permission is considered an offence.

Tw0-state solutions

Singapore's approach to the Israel-Palestine conflict is characterized by its commitment to maintaining good relations with both Israel and Palestinian authorities. The country hopes that both sides will demonstrate the political will necessary to realize a two-state solution. In line with United Nations resolutions, Singapore supports a negotiated settlement that prioritizes peace and security for all parties involved.

The government of Singapore has condemned acts of violence and terrorism from both Israel and Hamas. It has specifically denounced Hamas' raids and issued statements condemning the rocket attacks and acts of terror from Gaza towards Israel. The government expresses deep concern for the loss of innocent lives and injuries resulting from these attacks.

To ensure the safety and stability of its multicultural and multi-religious population, Singapore has taken decisive action to prevent the Israel-Hamas conflict from dividing its citizenry. The ban on public gatherings and meetings related to the conflict is aimed at protecting public safety and security. It also reflects Singapore's commitment to maintaining societal harmony and cohesion.

In addition to banning public rallies and events, the government has also outlawed the public display of foreign national emblems about the conflict without a permit. This measure is intended to prevent any potential provocation of emotions and the incitement of public disorder incidents.

Online Platforms

Meanwhile, eight police reports of offensive remarks or actions targeted at the Jewish and Muslim communities were lodged here in October, said Deputy Prime Minister Lawrence Wong.

He said this is about the same number of reports received between January and September.

He added: “It is a very sharp spike.”

Despite the restrictions on physical public demonstrations, local activists in Singapore have found alternative ways to express their solidarity for Palestine. Mobilizing online platforms, they continue to raise awareness and advocate for their cause.


Singapore firmly supports a peaceful resolution to the Israel-Palestine conflict and condemns violence and terrorism from both sides. The government's restrictions on public gatherings and events related to the conflict are implemented to safeguard public safety and maintain social harmony.

As a nation, Singapore aspires to nurture cohesion and extend humanitarian assistance and protection to all civilians affected by the conflict. It is committed to upholding international laws and principles while promoting a dialogue-driven resolution to the ongoing tensions.