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Sommes Nous Charlie?

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Charlie Hebdo does not depict the Prophet of Islam in its cartoons, it depicts ignorance instead. The attack against their HQ is a sad moment in history, carried by out by ignorants altogether! <!–more–>
The series of cartoons published since 2006, supposedly depicting the Prophet of Islam, were intended to strike at the nervous system of Muslim extremists. The plan was to show the world that the Muslims were emotional, irresponsible and denied freedom of the press.
They succeeded in achieving their aims, but they failed to understand the dangerous game they were playing by hiding behind the thick screen of ‘freedom of the press’.
Most of these acts were sponsored by some powerful parties, who had only one thing in mind: create havoc in the Muslim world, in order to press on with their ‘crusade’ against Muslims.
Unfortunately, some extremist Muslims took the bait from these irresponsible journalists and attacked the papers that published the cartoons.
Though the cartoons did not represent the Prophet of Islam, and represented the lack of sensitivity and the absence of intellectualism from the perpetrators, the messages were clear.
They hated Islam, they hated the Prophet and they wanted to be free to express such hatred. This, by itself was another form of extremism.
The attack in France is the result of such ignorance that has been allowed to fester in the country.
Sadly, extremism will only be strengthened by such attacks, and we have not seen the end of it all.